Find and choose the LED fixture or LED bar that best suits your objectives

When choosing a luminaire or LED bar it is essential to ask yourself the following questions:
1. What is the recommended and optimal DLI for my crop?
2. Am I going to use CO2 in my crop to force the gas exchange?
3. What type of irrigation am I going to use?
4. What kind of facilities will I have, 100% indoor, semi-indoor, greenhouse, culture chamber?
5. Do I have all the abiotic factors controlled and automated in my facilities?
6. Does my staff have the knowledge I need to use the technology investment I am going to make?
7. Do I need a different spectrum per phase or can I use a universal one for all crop phases?

Although it may seem that many questions are not related, everything is interconnected because if you have a lot of light but poor nutrition or a deficient or insufficient dehumidification/ventilation system, it is most likely to appear bleaching by high intensity in the tips of the flowers or nutrient deficiencies such as nitrogen, magnesium, calcium, etc. or deficiencies of nutrients like nitrogen, magnesium, calcium, etc., or if you have a high intensity of light but poor nutrition or a deficient dehumidification/ventilation system, magnesium, calcium, etc. or even worse, the photoreceptors of the plants will start to burn due to high intensity and temperature in the leaves, since when the temperature and intensity are very high, the plants close stomata, stop photosynthesis and start to survive.

Our recommendation is that you always count on professional help for your projects and investments in cultivation technology. A qualified professional staff of Fluxen will guide, educate and advise you always looking for your professional interests so that always Fluxen and client can grow together in this incredible adventure that is to start projects, expand and improve them.