Daniel Morales  

Deconstructing a modern indoor facility (flat or vertical)

An indoor facilityIndoor growing is an innovative emerging vertical within the horticulture industry. Technological developments within indoor growing and vertical farming markets are highly progressive, led by a global need for sustainable ways to grow fresh produce.

Year-round, high-quality yield, at a minimum expense of time, funds, and natural resources, is the new benchmark. This is being achieved through using new sophisticated crop management

An indoor facility ensures a fully controllable environment independent from the weather – all climate conditions can be created, tracked, and optimized. Heating, cooling, humidity, light and CO2 levels can be set according to preference and adjusted as and when necessary. As a result, optimal and stable climate conditions allow your crops to thrive.

Clean, safe irrigation water containing the exact right amount of nutrients is what your indoor crop needs to thrive. Advanced central irrigation systems allow you to safely reuse water through purification, disinfection, and smart recirculation technology.

Vertical farming allows leafy greens, microgreens or medicinal cannabis growers to maximize the use of their vertical space for their high-density cultivation. While going vertically and stacking tiers on mobile carriages, they can ensure all crops are getting enough care and attention by automating the lighting, fertigation and irrigation integrated to their vertical farming installation. Smart scaling, smart technology, smart light and smart nutrition means fully controlled indoor farming. That’s a smart investment. 



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